Ontmoetingsbijeenkomst in QRU

Als afsluiting van het bezoek van Saidou en Amatigue was er een ontmoetingsbijeenkomst in QRU , een pop-up locatie in een oud industrie gebouw. Een beetje koud maar toch een warm gevoel met een kleine 80 mensen die de uitnodiging hebben aangenomen en zijn gekomen. De beelden spreken, denken wij, voor zich. Vele gesprekken en de nodige uitleg van alle aanwezige van het PPD team. Bedankt voor de komst, tot volgend jaar! Gonny, bedankt voor de drankjes en de hapjes, en lees vooral even het verhaal van Saidou:


Dear all,

Today, i have the great honor to stand up here to address a great auditor, to share a little bit with you the goals of our two weeks mission and what we learned from it here in the Netherlands.

This mission has a double goal. The first was to come here and discuss with the board of Partner Pays Dogon (PPD), to talk about the perspectives of our six structured integrated programs focused on a sustainable regional development of the dogon area to improve the living conditions of this community. This integrated program includes water supply, Health, Education, MC to women groups and greening desert.

The second one was to come and have meetings with different funders and partners to share the results of the activities and underline the difficulties by ourselves, as actors of the implementation of the projects on the ground. Many have been achieved but we still call on you, that there is much work to do ahead in the coming years, and the need for technical and financial supports are real.

And we learned much from this two weeks visit in terms of experience exchanges in different fields: approaches of work, History and culture, life style, practical works at schools, sustainable garden schools, and some sightseeing between brackets, a nice collection of experiences indeed! But there were two questions from students that drew our attention the most, were: why is Mali called Mali? Do you want to stay here?

The restitution of all these experiences will be shared with all the staff of ADI in Mali, and to see the possibilities if we can profit from it in our area.

Thanks for your attention!