Culture lessons

The children draw and write details about important historical sites in Sangha. In groups they will look at drawings and discuss them in the class.

The Toguna is a place where the older men meet to solve problems. Souleymane Dolo writes about what is happening in this place: “This is a very beautiful toguna from Pays-Dogon. It is in the village of Inguèlè. Underneath the toguna there are some old men. One of them is sleeping. Outside is a sheep and a rooster.”

Drawing of Souleymane Dolo

“This is the house of the Hogon. The Hogon is the oldest man of the village. He establishs the law. In Hogon’s house you do not go in with your shoes. You also can not enter with fonio. The Hogon does not wash because the snake licks him. The Hogon’s wife died. Now the wife of his son prepares the food for him. In the house of the Hogon sacrifices are made to the gods.”

Drawing of Fati Dolo

“In the hangar (toguna) the elderly people sit and talk about a better future for their children and the village. On the right you can see the cave and the elderly sitting in the cave. Then their worries decreases.”

Drawing of Fatoumata Basso Dolo

“This is the house for women who menstruate. They stay there for five days, corresponding to the week of the Dogon. The men cannot go in there and the women cannot return to their own home. The women who have menstruation, are pounding millet for the meal.”

Drawing of Amaibe Dolo

“During the sacrifices of the ritual binou ké, people sit up and kill the cocks and chickens. At night the snakes appear and they lick the blood of the slaughtered animals. This offer belongs to the religious tradition.”

Drawing of Moctar Dolo

“The Tellem and their houses. They sleep in this house every day. Everything they need to eat and drink is also in their house.”

Drawing of Kadidia Dolo