The opening of the Professional Lyceum in Sangha

The Professional Lyceum in Sangha officially opened on Saturday 24th September, but we already arrived Thursday night to see how all the preparations were coming along. An impressive organization with a lot of young people (we estimate around 30)  formed an organization´s committee led by the Major. In detail, there were a book with all the names, reception places, speeches, the position of the camera for the National Television and Press and also a “touristic” tour. They took care of all practical matters like food, water, sound system, public stands, the moving of the market of Sangha to provide food for the local community after the ceremony. They really organize everything!!!

Preparation sangha

We walked around the school for three times with the ministers to assure that everything got the proper attention including the explanation of the roll of ADI. The opening itself went smoothly and perfectly within the time.

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For Sangha an unprecedented show. A convoy of about 30 cars with the minister, the governor, prefects, the general director of Practical Education from Bamako and also for the first time three cars with around 15 militaries to protect the convoy.

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Many speeches were emphasizing how special is this first technical Lycée that has to become an example of a different governmental approach in connecting local education with local needs.

Speeches sangha

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The new director of the school Ladaogo Kinda is very motivated in realizing these goals and fortunately he receives a support from the director of the Technical and Vocational Education in Mali, Oumar Jacouba Maiga. On the 1th October there were 110 students that started with two curriculums; building and electricity. Water and agriculture are on the agenda for 2017 with of course more new students and teachers.