Delineation of the Lycée Professionnel Sangha

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Realizing the delineation of the first classrooms, the houses and the first small office, the construction of the school has begun. On the site of about 5 hectares, in the next three years a school will be built where practice, entrepreneurship and practical and direct applicability of education will take shape. With such themes on the curriculum, this school will be the first one in Mali. So this does not imply a program defined from Bamako, for years and irrevocably nailed down, but it concerns a demand formulated from the region of Sangha and this demand will be leading. Training in 22 areas will be allowed.

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The team delineates the first cluster by means of a measuring tape.

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The local population is cutting natural stones into blocks.

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We will start with education regarding construction, agriculture, water and sanitation and the provision of energy. It is in these sectors that demand in the region is to be found and is there where a lot of work might be generated. Next to the delineation of the terrain, a lot of work has already been carried out in the cutting of stones. The first 15.000 stones are destined to the first cluster of buildings. In August of the current year students who follow an internship with coaching will start with the construction of the houses. Next October the first 150 students will stand before the door. Not yet the door of the new building, but very close to the school to be built.

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These students will also play a role in the building of it. Thus the building of the school itself will be part of the training program. They will work on the installation of water and sanitation, on the gardens for the agriculture program, but also on the construction of the various necessary buildings. In October 2015 the next selection of 150 students will be accommodated in the new building.

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Amatigue Dara (ADI) never loses the overview.

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