First renovation projects and results

The last years some of the owners families did some provisionally repairs and maintenance. We also started with securing buildings and houses facing the most critical situation. Besides these actions we started with the local inhabitants repairing 3 houses. We started with two very simple houses, by repairing the façade. We discussed and inspected the way of working, the quality of mud and furthermore tested it after one, two and three years of rain.

The last project realized was the restoration of a big family house which had become completely bare naked, and without any mud left.The work was not done just by one family but the job was taken up by a whole group. For us this was also an important test case of the working process for the next houses.

The restored houses have now proven to withstand two rainy periods. Thus the plastering work, with the mix of mud, and the way of application have proven to be the right one. Also, the work done by the inhabitants in cooperation, on one house instead of repairing diffusely over the town, has turned out much better in the quality, commitment and organization of the work. This underlines the effectiveness of the cooperative approach.