Approach and action plan

The project in Yougo cannot be done with the elderly people who lives there today but they will play an important role in the restoration because of their knowledge. We have already talked about the complete approach of the work, the period of working, and the younger people and teams that will do the work in the future. It is clear that the village will profit by the project but we want also assurance from the village that they can really do the work. For that reason there will also be support from other villages like Yendouma, Tiogou en Koundou.

Action plan and implementation
Based on our experience In Nando and Arou and combined with the experience of the Organizations involved, FDE (SDO), ADI en Mission Culturelle Bandiagara (see background information) and the Vision supported broadly by the local and national governments, we made an proposal for an action plan for the Period 2013-2017. The Foundation Dogon Education will take the lead in organizing this process. There will be an office, working place in the village of Koundou and Sangha. There is mobile internet available so it is very good possible to communicate with all the partners involved. Our local team leader Keneko Dara has already experiences with doing renovations. He was responsible for the renovation of the house of the Hogon in Arou under supervision of
the Mission Culturelle de Bandiagrra. The most important role however are of course the inhabitants of the village Yougo, which will be supported by the villages surrounded by is like Koundou, Yendouma and the young family members living in the Seno. The organization of the process will be based on their collaboration. We spoke with the heads of the villages, heads of the family’s as well as the major of Sangha. Its seems to them it is possible to renovate the village in 4 years. The work by the village and collaborating villages will been done from October to may, before and after the important harvest period and the rain season. The preparation for the work, documenting the several houses and organizing materials can be done in the period June till October by the other team members.

The goal is also to start building a small practical school ( 10 classes) in Sangha with some local partners in his school there will be classes in traditional masonry, building with local materials in a new and traditional way and renewal in agricultural techniques. The project of Yougo would fit very well in the curriculum of the goals of the school.

Project planning and organization tasks
Tasks of the several members of the projects Foundation Dogon Education (FDE, or in Dutch, Stichting Dogon Onderwijs , SDO): Responsible for the finance control, final reports, organizing exhibition (travelling) and publication ( in English and French). In collaboration with LEVS architects in Amsterdam and Mopti ( local office) and if possible students from the technical school Sevaré, and students from the architectural school of Bamako. The project leader of FDE (SDO) will visit the at least 3 times a year the work in combination with other project for reducing the cost for travelling etc. The communication with ADI, the office in Sevaré and Sangha, will be weekly by Skype and e-mail. The practical program of establishing the renovation will be prepared by FDE but the practical implementation will be done by ADI.

Association Dogon initiative (ADI):
Organizing the fieldwork with the local several parties involved in the project with two technical project leaders and one financial and overal project leader. They work from the office in Sangha and Koundou.

Mission Culturelle Bandiagara:
Before starting with the projects and the work it will be thoroughly reviewed with the Mission for that reason they will accompany FDE(SDO) during their visits to Yougo.

Results of the project
The first result of the project is of course the complete renovated village of Yougo Dogorou. The second result we hope to establish in the same period is reinforcement of the economic situation. Organizing schools, water, and improving agricultural methods by working together with IFD ( Initiative Femme Dogon) which is already very active in the region of Koundou. The third result we hope to accomplish with the mission Culturelle de Bandiagarra by organizing entrance fees etc like it has been done in Songho and Nombori, tourism as a part of the economic basic for the village, assuming the tourist will return. We assume that the last result, the rapport and publications will stimulate this. The Fourth result we hope to establish is the growth of local knowledge and enthusiasm to build with local materials which is important for a durable and sustainable future.

The fifth result we hope is the continuation of an unique cultural aspect of the Dogon, the feast of the Dama, Sirigi feast and the society of the masks which is so special connected to this unique culture and part of the Unesco goals.

The last result:
Every year there will be a review of the project and a financial report. After finishing the project which is estimated in 2017 there will be an complete review and final financial specification. The publication shall be made in English and French and broadly available on internet as a learning process en project. The material will also be prepared for an travelling exposition starting of course in Mopti in the Centre for earth architecture built by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.