Mali Blue Pumps


As we have already been announcing after our visit in April 2014, we will work in Mali with the Blue Pump. We believe that Paul van Beers is an excellent partner, who also holds in high esteem the serious approach and the longue line of a sustained partnership. The next transport of the new machine for bricks-manufacturing is July 2014 [link] will also be used to take along five complete pumps. The objective is to install a number of pumps in the coming year and to begin with teams-training for that purpose. Starting point will be to establish small water companies in each village, in order to guarantee the repayment in instalments of the pumps.

View here a detailed description of the Blue Pump in English and here in French.

Next to this we commit ourselves to set up teams in the form of Blue Pump companies, which will create employment. For the total scheme, we need indeed a solid start-up fund. We hope to achieve this objective in 2015, based on our nice plan. There are about 500 un-used water boreholes, because of old, inoperative water-pumps, or pumps completely attacked by rust. We consider, together, moreover, with the water company of Bandiagara, the set up of a water-management and – maintenance system which will be paid by the communities themselves as the only, really sustainable way.

